FREE: Module 1, Part 1: How to Plan Your YEAR from Scratch

The New Teacher Summer Workshop

For those of you looking for a way to lay out your year, or you're simply looking for where to begin in planning your year--this module is for you.

This module is a FREE stand-alone webinar, workbook, and template to help you create a year overview for your curriculum. This is always my step one before planning ANYTHING else for the year.

With a year overview, you can:

  1. Pace out your units to make sure you're covering all the grade levels' standards for the year.
  2. Get a head start on unit planning for the rest of the year.
  3. Design an order of units that build off of each other (making the creation of lesson plans that build off of each other much easier).

Your year overview is your curriculum map for the year, also called a "Scope and Sequence."

Though technically you can get by without one and make up the year as you go, that's an extremely difficult and stressful way to go.

It's kind of like jumping into a 90-minute lesson plan without a map for the whole period--you might be able to wing it for a few activities, but eventually, you're going to start grasping at straws to find things to do.

With a unit plan, you know what comes next, and how much time you have for each step.

It's the difference between ending a lesson plan and knowing where you're going the next day, versus ending and panicking (again) that you have to pull something out of the hat again for tomorrow.

Not only that, but your admin will love it.

And you'll have answers to guardians' questions at Open House when they ask those all-intimidating questions: "So, what will your class cover?" or "Will your class help my child with _____?"

At the end of this workshop, you should feel confident to create a year overview, answering the questions:

  1. What units will I teach this year?
  2. When will I teach each unit?
  3. What standards will I teach in each unit?
  4. How will I make sure I'm covering all of my standards this year?

Note that we will not be diving into details of unit plans with daily lesson plans in this module--that is covered in detail in Module 1, Part 2: How to Create a Unit Plan, and Module 3: Creating Solid Lesson Plans.

This module is just for you to get a birds-eye view of what you'll be covering and when this year.


This Module is for YOU if...

  • You're preparing for your first year teaching, re-entering teaching, or want a complete makeover of last year.

  • You're exploding from nerves about teaching and not sure where to put that anxiety.

  • You need help on knowing what to prepare and how to do it.

  • You feel unsupported by your school, underprepared by your teacher prep program, rusty from a break from teaching, or panicked about not having any training at all.

  • You want guidance on designing high quality, standards-aligned curriculum and putting together lesson plans that are effective and engaging.

"All summer I’ve been thinking that I need to do things to get prepared for the school year but I wasn’t exactly sure what. I am SOOOOO thankful to have found this that tells me EXACTLY what to do. It has made me feel so much better about the upcoming school year and has made it a lot less scary."

Your Instructor

Jeanne Wolz, M. Ed.
Jeanne Wolz, M. Ed.

Hi! I’m Jeanne. I’m a former middle school ELA teacher, college instructor, and the founder of Teacher Off Duty--a blog dedicated to helping teachers save time, teach better, and live happier. I have 9 years of teaching and instructional coaching, including mentoring as a cooperating teacher, serving as Department Chair, and a Masters degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Since founding Teacher Off Duty, I've helped thousands of new teachers along their journey to a smooth and fulfilling first few years teaching.

In my 2nd year teaching, I won an Outstanding Beginning Teaching Award and I didn't feel special enough for it at all. In fact, I knew then what I know now: I owed the early success largely to the strategic preparation I did before them. And now, I want to help you do the same.


Course Curriculum

  Module 1, Part 1: How to Create a Curriculum YEAR OVERVIEW From Scratch
Available in days
days after you enroll

Enroll and Receive:

-Module 1, Part 1 to the Ultimate New Teacher Workshop. This is a stand-alone module that will walk you through creating a standards-based year overview to work from for the entire school year.

-Workbook + spreadsheet template to create your own year overview

-Lifetime access to the module

"I'm going into education from an engineering background and was clueless where to start. Now, I am already impressing my principal with my procedures and understanding of unit planning! I've already tooted your horn through FB groups and can't wait to dive in further!" - 2018 Alumna

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the workshop start and finish?
The workshop starts immediately!
How long do I have access to the workshop?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.

Get started now!